

Hi! I’m Cos, and I run this service. My pronouns are he/him and I live in #Naarm / #Melbourne in Australia with my wife and cats.

I’ve been hanging around the Internet since the days of UUCP connections. The distributed / less-centralized nature of those times is something that still appeals to me, which is why I’m still here #selfhosting and hosting for others – I’ve loved empowering friends to get their thoughts up and into the Internet so that it’s not just the same old nerds like me in here.

I’m trying out WriteFreely as a way to better aggregate my writing and some other information. This post serves as both an #introduction and a test.


I'm reviving my minor part in the #SmallWeb.

Do I suddenly have more to say? Not in particular, but in the process of cleaning up lots of old things and old memories, I realised that I missed feeling part of a world of words. Like everyone, I fell into the world of short status updates and private messaging (the latter not so different to the 90s, except that this time we don't have a single app pulling all the chat protocols together). My ability to self-host never went away, but convenience trumped continuing to maintain my own software stack as my day job moved away from hands-on tech, and also as my life changed in various unexpected ways.

For various reasons, now feels like a time that I'm able to consider revisiting this world. I wonder how many old friends are still out there?

Now playing: Pure X by Pure X.

ancient doom awaits us

#introduction #why #hello #memories

This was a post from Cos.

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