

winter sounds

Dreary #winter; time for some dreamy, drifty #music.

the loneliness of concrete

  • Shinjuku Thief's Bloody Tourist – so many years since I listened to it, but with Paul Schütze popping up again recently it's a short jump to this album that he'd produced at the start of the 90s, back when I was a nervous Young Person buying CDs from the very same Darrin Verhagen as he worked in a CBD music shop, and listening to a show on 3PBS FM that he sometimes played music on. The languid, slightly feverish Open Wound nicely fit my morning walk, as Preston struggled out of bed on a cold morning.

  • Bill Callahan’s Have Fun With God – a so-called “dub” reworking of the Dream River album – stops my mind from getting caught up in Other Things this afternoon. “I wonder if I'll ever wake up?

This was a post from Cos.

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